Monday, September 14, 2009

On The Road Again

Here we are still in Meadow Bridge, WV working with the Calvary Baptist Church, we had a great day yesterday with attendance increasing from the previous week. Still a long way to go with the people here, but we praise the Lord for the opportunity to be here. Please pray for the church and our work here.

Yesterday one of the couples carried us to lunch and we went one way and came back another, we were so surprised to see so many houses and towns that you do not see when you travel the interstate.

We have tried to go some place several times a week to get out of the motorhome and Saturday we traveled to Lewisburg, WV to see an old Civil War Cemetery, there we saw a mass grave in the shape of a cross that contained 95 unknown solders. How sad to know that buried here were men that their families have no idea what happen to them.

There was also an antique car show in town which we enjoyed, saw a fire truck that was not as old as the one I had and it made me sad to know that mine was gone.

We then traveled to White Sulpher Springs to view a house that was built in 1959 by Tip Myers using 30 tons of coal which is now vacant, amazing that there was no coal dust on your hands when you rub the coal, guess they put some type of sealer on it.

We have enjoyed meeting the folks of the town, we have been received very well as outsiders and made to feel at home. This morning I'm at the library keeping up with my email and posting to the blog, Janet Kincaid the librarian has been a blessing helping me learn more about the community, and this morning a group of ladies, (Friends of the Library)are meeting and having a covered dish lunch, what a temptation when they asked me to join them but Marainne would have my hide if I came back and had already eaten after she had prepared. They even asked me to take her a plate, so thoughtful of them.

We will be coming home this coming Sunday for the week to attend a conference Thursday, Friday and Saturday at White Oak Conference, hopefully we will remember to get the cord for the camera to post some of the pictures we have taken. We will be driving back Saturday afternoon for service Sunday.

May God bless each of you.