Tuesday we traveled to Orangeburg, South Carolina to Thompson Funeral Home for visitation for a funeral on Wednesday, traveling back to spend the night with our daughter Karen in West Columbia. Up early Wednesday morning for a walk along the River Walk on the Congaree River which is next to my daughter's house. After breakfast at Hardee's we traveled to Saint Matthews to the Congaree Baptist Church for the funeral service of Raymond Heckle. I was Raymond's pastor in the early seventies and his pastor was out of the country and the family asked me to conduct his services. I was an honor for these my friends to ask me to do this.
Thursday on the Road again to the South Carolina Baptist Convention in Columbia for a meeting to discuss a mission project that we are praying about. We excited over the door's that God's is opening for us to go through but we can only go through one at a time and we want to be in His prefect will.
We stayed over for the evening to celebrate Karen's birthday at Outback Steakhouse. Oh, no! I blew it, I just had to have one of those blooming onions, you know what I mean.
Today just around the house doing a little maintance work ahead of the painters and cutting some grass and tomorrow will be more of the same, the rain caused the grass to sprout wings. But praise the Lord for that much needed rain.
Hope all is well with each of you and until then ..... my heart will go singing.