Sunday, August 9, 2009

On The Road Again

That's right, we've just returned from three wonderful days at the Coastal Evangelism Conference in Conway, South Carolina. This has been held at the Langston Baptist Church for eighteen years. It was filled with great Preaching and Music. It was so good to get away from things around the house and just relax and listen to message's from God, yes, messages from God. They may have been brought by man but they were direct from the heart of God. Getting your spiritual food is more important than physical food. It's it great to have a hunger for God's Word?

We stopped in Latta and had breakfast at the Flying J with some dear friends and then on to Lexington for our grandson Carson's ninth birthday party, oh it was hot at the park. After a few hours and a hamburger or two we headed for home and what a relief to get home and kickoff our shoes. Can't believe it, but I went to bed a nine O'clock, must have been tired.

Up early to finish work on my sermon as I went back to Philippi to fill in as Brother Redd had a previous engagement. How good it was to see my friends there and to preach God's Word. What a joy I get from preaching God's Word.

Until then .............. my heart will go on singing.