I asked for clothes for Donna's Haven in West Virginia and, oh me of little faith. Should I say, Little is much when God is in it. what started out just to carry a pickup load of clothes has turned out to be unbelievable.
I began by asking several churches to help so that we might be able to provide clothes for the children and teens in West Virginia. Those churches, Couchton Baptist Church in Aiken, Philippi Baptist Church my last pastorate and Saluda Baptist Church in Saluda.
It started coming in slowly and we received more adults than children, so I asked for help on children's clothes. The more I picked up the more it grew, folks heard and were calling and bringing, so much that we've run out of room.
Marianne has been sorting it by summer, winter, infants, children, teens, adult men and women, thanks to those ladies that have stopped by and helped. Of course I appreciate those men who have helped me pick up and load. We have clothes every where and still coming, Tara Parkman brought twelve bags tonight and she said I can't believe this when she saw wall to wall clothes.
Depending on the weather as snow is forecast for West Virginia the next couple of days so it's a wait and see, but hopefully we will be able to go Friday with a load and another trip in several weeks.
I want to thank everyone who has made this possible for us to minister to the folks in West Virginia. We will give a detailed report when we return. I have a few pictures before the latest came in.