After Nine hours of traveling we arrived at our destination around 5:30 PM. Donna was so excited to see the load that we had brought for her to minister to those in need in her area. We discovered she didn't have room for all we had brought as her space was limited so we began putting it in her garage. Donna shared with us many sad stories of her ministering to the needy in the area. I was so glad that we had taken on this project. What we delivered was only about of a third as to what we had collected. God was so gracious in providing beyond our expectations as He always is.
We traveled back to the motel and then on into Beckley for a meal at Ryan's, yes there's a Ryan's in West Virginia. Back to the motel to see what the morning would bring. Expecting 2 to 4 inches every time I woke up I would look out the window to see if it was snowing. Sure enough by 5:30 I could see the white stuff on the cars. I begin loading our vehicle and before I completed it was now sticking to the parking lot. By the time we were ready to leave it was more than I wanted to see, all my plans for Saturday and Sunday was gone.
Saturday Meadow Bridge the church I supplied in September and October was having their Christmas Dinner and I was looking forward to seeing the folks again. And the new pastor was to begin Sunday morning. But that all had to be forsaken to head home.
The roads were a little bad to begin with but by the time we reached I 77 the snow plows and salt trucks were already at work. Driving was not that bad but we did see five vehicles that had slid off the side or the road, one was on it's side the wheels still turning and the head lights on.
When we were about fifty miles in Virginia the snow turned to rain and by the time we got to Charlotte the rain had stopped. We arrived home about 2:30 pm and thanked the Lord for a safe trip.
There will have to be another trip in a few weeks to take the rest back and I look forward to that maybe it won't be as fast.
I have attached a couple of pictures below for you to see the need for additional space for Donna, pray for her and the ministry she has in West Virginia.

Please note that the dates are incorrect on the pictures, hope to eliminate the dates in the future.